
Showing posts from September, 2017

Activity 2: Current issues in my professional context

My school community including socioeconomic factors. My school was established in 2005 following on from a District Network Review merging five 1 and 2 teacher schools merged into one school with an additional site in another location. The two sites are approximately 18 kilometres apart.  Thus, joining 7 small distinct communities into one school.  Feeling all cohorts are part of our community is a focus of the strategic plan.  In addition, the one morgan (Wilson, 2013) approach resonated me one as focus is one school on two sites.  This challenge still needs to continue to be a focus at my school.  As my school is a decile 5, the school has students from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds.  Other than census data, the school doesn’t hold any specific statistical data other than knowing all the families within the school community.   At my school some correlations concur with the  American Psychological Association (2016) statements linkin...

Activity 1: My practice within the community

When thinking about our communities of practice, teachers are part of many communities - their school, Kahui Ako,Manaiakalani Outreach Programme and online communities.  But when considering the three elements of a community of practice as defined by Wenger (2000) we need to look more closely at these.   Our School In our school I am a leader who works with teachers to build relationships, shared understandings and collaborative expertise. As part of school, we have shared achievement challenges and have developed action plans to meet these challenges.  Within our weekly meetings, teachers are expected to share what’s working well and what they are finding challenging.  Similarly, we develop shared expectations of our learning and what achievement looks like throughout our school.   From this we are distributing our expertise throughout our team. In addition, we have a shared site so resources are available for all the team.    However...